Saturday 8 March 2014

Visit Venice

J.L. Gupta

The name of the place is Venice. It is  symbolic. It is very nice. As the ship turns towards North-east, the sight is stunning. Are the coming events casting a shadow? 

The Sunrise and the lonely bird
The sun is emerging. It is lending a beautiful deep crimson colour to everything. And There is water

Water …. Water … everywhere.  Yet, not a fly, moss or mosquito to see. A seagull? Yes! I could see a bird too. But there was no scent. One could not even seriously complain of any smell either. The air is generally clean. The breath of fresh air was refreshing. Standing in the balcony, one could see the buildings with domes. Also minarets and pass by boats of all shapes and sizes. It is the first sight of the city of Venice. Appears to be true to the name. We disembark. Reach our destination in a small boat Taxi.

A view of Venice from the ship.

A little stroll and we learnt without any loss of time that it is the city of Basilicas; Museum, Palaces, Art, Culture and Spirituality; St. Marc’s square; Murano glass; authentic Italian cuisine; vintage wines; narrow lanes and wide waterways. You can get good footwear that fits your feet and food that suits your palate on the roadside and in the streets. It has a historic past. Been the venue of various wars leading ultimately to the victory on the issue of the lagoon configuration and dominance over the Adriatic and East Mediterranean coasts. Thereafter, the trade flourished and the fortunes of the traders  changed.

Gondola for short distance
The Gondola or a small boat are easily available for local travel. The waters can be rough and the ride, at times, a bit scary. However, it does not take long to get used to the boat taxis. The drivers are good. they maneuver the boats well and reach places that may apparently appear to be totally inaccessible. It is a good option when you are in a hurry or not inclined to walk or short of time

The Ship going through the Grand Canal

For smaller boats & pedestrians

A Lane

A Cathedral

On the other hand, there being virtually no traffic, walking is easy and often a good option. it allows a closer look at the shops, show-windows as also the charming and friendly shoppers. Often, you may savor the scent of some good tobacco too. The Europeans seem to enjoy their smoke. And why not? Ms. Nicotine is generally a good friend. Once you get fond of her, she does not leave you easily.  At least, till you stretch your will power to its fullest and make a really determined attempt.

A Wide Waterway

         St. Mark's Basilica is said to  "depict stories from the Old Testament and serve as a historical introduction to the sacred themes in the interior of the Basilica. Here, following a narrative thread represented by the idea of the Church...., we have the Prophets, the Apostles, the Ascension and Paradise portrayed on the larger domes. On the walls and minor domes other parallel stories complete the narrative with episodes from the life of Christ and the Virgin, the passion of Jesus, the life of St. Mark with the famous episode of the theft of the body, the lives of St. Peter and other saints. All the artistic styles .... Thus, as many love to define it, St. Mark's Basilica is  a casket which jealously conserves in its custody, the trembling, palpitating expression of the spirituality and of the history of Venice."

St. Mark's Basilica

A Painter at work before sunrise and  the Eatery in the open that has not yet opened

                                     Photos by the author.


  1. Piazza San Marco is a beautiful image that remains stuck in my mind! Great piece on Venice. Look forward to some of the controversial stuff that we discussed :)

  2. Very lovely description. Went there very long ago with mom and my brother. Have fond memories. Reading you nice write up and looking at the wonderful pictures has made me want to visit once again.

  3. Air Water Earth. The three basic elements of life in full splendour. The first one is a little piece of paradise. A treat to the senses. Undiluted pleasure. The other clicks also embody the essence of Venice as seen from your eyes. My salute to the photographer in you and the beautiful reflection of your spirit.

  4. The language grammar use category "tense" is defined as a the verbal inflection that serves chiefly to specify the time of the action (past, present, or future) or state expressed by the verb.

    In Italian grammar there seems to be a distinction between action in the past:

    a) "imperfetto" tense refers to a past action that is repeated, continuous, or habitual

    b) "passato prossimo" (close past) tense refers to an action completed recently

    c) "passato remoto" (remote past) tense indicates an action taken once and completed far in the past

    In colloquial usage, the use of the "passato remoto" becomes more prevalent as you move from North to South in Italy. Southern speakers tend to use passato remoto even for recent events.

    I think it's a nice touch to be able to distinguish events in this way...

    Venice is a beautiful city, my favorite is location is Florence... but I understand that if you are a gastronomical tour, it's all about southern Italy ;-).

  5. n time clicking of the photographs of the rising sun & the painter indicates that the writer is before time everyday everywhere.
    These two pictures clicked in Venice is the essence of the teachings of all the scriptures of all the religions . Like a painter every moment we are drawing the printout of our wants. Whereas a lonely bird signifies alone we have arrived in this world and alone we will leave.

    Only with the dawn of knowledge we can stride forward on the noble path of Truth and say strong ' NO' to the childish demands of the mind, beautifully described by the writer as Ms. Nicotine.
    By practising austerity we can clean our bosom of all desires and reach to the higher level of consciousness where there is Peace ! Peace ! Peace !
    The goal of human life is to take a flight from the painter to the free bird.
    With deep humility thanks to the writer for mysteriously giving this divine message through these pictures and giving us the glimpse of ONENESS.
