Saturday, 24 May 2014


J.L. Gupta

Where do we stand after more than 66 years of independence, in the year 2014? In our country, every Indian is an individual. He is an Andhraite or Assamese, a Bengali, Bihari, Haryanvi, Himachali, Kashmiri, Maharashtrian, Malyali, Punjabi or a Tamilian. He is a Christian, Hindu, Jain, Muslim or a Sikh. He is an Aiyer or Aiyanger, a Bania or a Brahman, a Jat or a Jatt, a Reddy or a Rao. The list can be never ending. And each one is interested in the preservation of a distinct identity, culture and language. It is really becoming difficult to find an Indian in India. Diversity has always been a stark reality. But today the nation’s unity is being threatened.

Secondly, there is an acute shortage of seats in schools. Despite the levy of education cess and collecting a substantial sum of money. The sight of parents  approaching courts for admission of the small children to schools is pitiable. Imagine the trauma that the child goes through at a tender age. In this sad situation, we need to:-

1. Be only Indians. There should be no concession or consideration for anyone or anything except merit. To make equality a reality, the reservations or the considerations of caste & creed, which are inherently divisive must be stopped. At least, for the present. Initially, there may be objections. But ultimately, the attitude shall change. People will work hard and the nation shall gain.

2. Everyone must be provided adequate facilities for quality education. The rich and poor. The government must open schools with good facilities and make the right to education a reality. Everyone should be sure of getting a seat and be able to study. This must receive the priority it deserves.

3. Policy decisions must be Clear & categorical. Discretion causes disputes. It must be curtailed to the minimum.

4. Measures to control growth in numbers are a national imperative. Bounties & Incentives for only those who have limited the number of children to one or two. Do & deserve before you desire should be the message to one and all.

5. There should be deterrent punishment for the corrupt. A drop of poison makes a bucket of milk unfit for consumption. Once the charge of corruption is proved, the property of the whole family should be escheated to the State. In case of people in public life, the punishment should be severer as they betray public trust.

6. Economy is itself a source of revenue. We must reduce the expense on governance. The  number of departments, directors and ministries must be reduced. The additional funds must be used for  additional projects and jobs.

The measures are a must to live up to the massive mandate given by the people of India.

Will he? I feel confident that he is made of sterner stuff. He will not disappoint the nation. We have to wait and see.

Friday, 16 May 2014


“The Greedy go to Grief”
J.L. Gupta
It was the year 1991. ‘Radiolinja’ had commercially launched the second generation 2G cellular telecom networks in Finland. A decade later, the 3G technology was commercially launched by ‘DoCoMo’ in Japan. The world is moving forward at a fast pace with the 4th generation technology. In diplomacy, the movement is from G5 to G20. And nearer home?
The government sold 2G spectrum. It left a sickening spectacle. Allegations of all kinds followed. The government promised to reach at the truth and punish the guilty. The CAG had given his findings. It was hoped that probably some action shall be seen. Nothing substantial was done. In any case, the corruption continued to corrode the system. With the passage of time, the greed only increased.
It appears that in India, everyone has his own perception of ‘G’. To some, it only means Gandhi. To some others, the gift of gab, grab and greed. They talk of principles. But act only on interest. Platitudes and promises were their forte. But they continued to grab. With every project, ‘Coal, Games’ or ‘2G’. Their appetite was ever increasing.  The greed continued to grow. Their numbers did not stop multiplying.
But the people still could not persuade themselves to accept the greed of the khadi clad clan for the pieces of paper that bear the portrait of Gandhi.
Will this brand of greedy ever go to grief? National elections, certainly held the hope. Will the country be rid of the perpetrators of corruption? The people could only hope and pray that the corrupt meet their end and are eliminated. Will it happen? Elections were announced. Dates were fixed. Massive Campaigns,  manifestos and then the polls followed. The 16th of May was fixed for the declaration of results. The people waited with baited breath.
God’s ways may be slow. But these are decisive. Today, the uncertainty has ended. Rajiv has been rejected. The Congress party under Sonia  has been actually decimated. Modi has got a massive mandate. The greedy have gone to grief! The people have rejected them in every nook and corner of the country.
What will they do now? Where will they hide themselves?

          Modi knows that the country has gone through a long period of non-governance and policy paralysis. The Army & Borders need immediate  attention. The economy is in shambles. There is shortage everywhere.Beds are needed in hospitals;seats in schools, colleges and universities. There is no order despite a plethora of laws. He has to fulfil his promise of development and good governance. To achieve this, he must select his team on only merit. He is not bound to bother about the tantrums of his party members. He needs hardworking, selfless, and sincere workers. He must not allow sycophants to surround him. Otherwise, like the Gandhis, he too might go to grief at the next elections. Will he? We shall know in a few days.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


J.L. Gupta

As he raised his glass to say cheers, his face fell. Why? My guess was right. His eyes had fallen on the television screen when someone in the house was seeing an old recorded programme. The party president was announcing the election manifesto. He was livid with anger and said,  “Again we have this tamasha of elections. A nauseating cocktail of petty politics, blame game and mudslinging. Each party shall put up big bill boards. Larger than life posters. Take out processions. Hold public rallies. Disturb normal life. A colossal waste of men, money and materials! We are a poor nation. The people do not get two square meals a day. We have not been able to ensure potable water or uninterrupted supply of electricity even in a place like Amethi.  How can we afford such an unproductive expenditure?”
I tried to tell him that we are the world’s largest democracy. It is government by the people, of the people and for the people. It is the best form of government. It gives equal rights to all. The poor and the rich. To vote and elect our representatives. They deliberate, discuss and decide. They work for our good. To ensure that we may have peace and prosperity. Be safe and secure. At the end of the term, we assess their performance and determine as to who should lead the country. It is necessary for the candidates to reach out to the people. Make them aware of the party’s plans & programme. Hence, the hangama. Otherwise, see the conditions in our neighbourhood. No elections. Only violence and war. What has happened in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan?
I got a mouthful. “More than six decades have passed since we got rid of the English. But have we got freedom from the foreign rulers? What have we got? Not even freedom from want and hunger. Or from illiteracy and poverty. At the time of election, the politicians present economic, political and social agendas. Promise ‘rotti, kapda aur makaan.’ Raise slogans – ‘Humko lao, garibi hatao.’ The promises are never fulfilled. There is a big gap between promise and performance. After election, they work only for their own good. And the facts speak. At the end of each term only the politicians are found to have prospered. The poor have only got poorer. Unless we change radically, there appears to be no chance of end to the peoples’ poverty or problems.
I tried to tell him that it is because of the sacrifices of our leaders that we are a free country. Some were just shot. Some had willingly gone to the gallows. Some had spent years in prison when they could have lived in palaces. They had made supreme sacrifices so that we could live as a free people. A free India was their dream. After attaining the objective, they had opted for a democratic form of government. For peoples’ progress. And we have progressed.

He looked at me as if I had committed a sacrilege. And after a pause, he asked - "What progress? Have you any idea about the number of people living below the poverty line today? Has their number increased or decreased during the last decade? Have you seen the slums in your town or neighbourhood?”
While I was trying to cool him down, he added – “I have not seen the leaders of yester years. They may have spent years in prisons. But I am sure that there are many amongst us today who are living in palaces while they should actually be in prisons. Some leaders of yester years may have made sacrifices. However, the so called leaders of today need to be sacrificed. Purge the country of the politicians and the people shall prosper. I see no other choice. Hopefully, May 16, shall fulfil this hope! Will it? Just a day more. Wait patiently!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Dr. Patrick - the Healer

“Dr. Patrick – the Healer”
J.L. Gupta
        Can a person wean away another from an old addiction or help him to get rid of an  old habit? Can a human being heal another without administering any medicine or even physically touching him? Difficult questions. But I have some personal experience. May I share?
I had smoked the first cigarette in the year 1963. A purely casual acquaintance had gradually grown into an almost intimate affair.  And then, I  had fondly nursed my relationship with Ms. Nicotine. For a long time. Factually, for more than four decades. In between, there was an interval when I had not touched a cigarette for as long as ten years. Yet, the craving was always there. Finally, a stage had reached when I had to make a choice between desire and distress. Mrs. Suganu Kapur, a friend’s wife advised me to see Dr.Patrick. She actually organized the meeting. This was in Feb., 2007. I was face to face with Dr. Patrick. He asked me -"What can I do for you? Are you sure that you want to give up smoking?"  A couple of questions more. Then, he offered me a seat. I sat in front of him. He kept standing. And then, he moved his hand as if to transmit some cosmic energy.

  Relaxed & ever smiling Dr. Patrick

 After about two minutes, he told me – “If you smoke, henceforth you may not like the taste in your mouth.” I had come away. Frankly, I expected no miracle. But it actually occurred  Seven years have already passed. Not only that I have not touched a cigarette during these years but also that I have not felt like smoking even once. The real change is - I have not had any craving whatsoever for nicotine. No urge, at all, to smoke. Even when everyone around me is enjoying a smoke, I have no desire to even have a puff. This had never happened during the years before the meeting in the year 2007.  Even when I had not touched tobacco for a decade, the craving was always there. But never after Feb., 2007. Something that even the experts at the de-addiction centre were unable to achieve in various cases. A friend had suggested the use of a nicotine patch. Another was sure that chewing gum would help. These had made no difference at all. And then only two minutes with Dr. Patrick had changed everything. Marvelous! Is it not? But how did it happen? What did Dr. Patrick do? These questions have often crossed my mind. I have talked to a few friends also. But I could not find any logical explanation or a satisfactory answer.
Dr. Patrick healing a child

Again in 2013. I had a health problem. I went to Dr.Patrick. This time, I have seen him at work on various occasions. Healing hundreds every time he is in Delhi. People of all ages. With different kinds of problems throng to him. They tell their tales. He listens patiently. Always with a smile. I have heard myriad stories of change from a state of “hopelessness” to “hope”; miraculous change in the condition of the sick and sudden improvement in the physical condition of the terminally ill persons that has left the medicos wondering. I was curious to know more. Wanted to read about him, his method and mission. A click on the Computer tells “The Light Movement invites you to an experience of “The Absolute” through meditation and healing, guided by Patrick San Francesco and focused on the relaxation and cleansing of both mind and body. See more at:” The sentence tells everything. Relaxation and cleansing, I believe, are the two things that bring all the changes in the body of a sick person to make him happy and healthy. Every human being cannot do it. Only the blessed one can perform such miracles and help the needy.

People waiting patiently for their turn
Another click –“The Goan  The Great Goan Weekend    Wellness"  tells -

"In Baga, faith is the best medicine. Healing is not an individual’s effort. It is the process of channeling the energy of the universe by anyone who has purity of spirit. This is what Dr Patrick San Francesco believes and uses in his everyday life as Patrick the Healer”

Having seen Dr. Patrick at work, I am fully convinced about the truth of the above statement. He has helped, healed and given hope to a large number of suffering human beings. He takes care of all – the poor & rich, young & old. Without charging any fee or demanding anything in return. It is comforting to be in his presence. One feels full of hope and totally relaxed.  It appears that God has made men like Dr. Patrick in his own image. To help the needy. And he is doing it in a great measure. He is giving help & hope to everyone who goes to him. May he continue to be a beacon of light to the needy. May the Lord continue to bless Patrick, his mission, patients and projects! May his tribe flourish!