From then to now
by J.
L. Gupta
You told me that the wheel of providence
is ever on the move. Change is the law of
nature. What has changed since you were my age - say during the last
50 years?”
“Everything has changed - my child! The attitudes, the
times and the values - all have changed. Let me illustrate. You know that I have always
followed the rule - early to bed and early to rise. People of my
generation are always up before dawn. 'The early morning has gold in its
mouth?' At that hour, the birds are chirping. There is a symphony in the air.
It is music to the ears.
The flowers unfold. These are more odorous. It adds to the freshness in the environment. It is soothing for
the mind.”
“You, my child, go
to bed after midnight. By the time you get up, the golden glory of the morning is already gone. The crows are crowing. People are rushing to their offices. They are
honking. It is noisy. It is hot.”
“Can you visualize
the two scenes? The difference symbolizes the change.”
"What else? Grandpa!"
"Traditions and institutions
have changed, my son. Even marriage has come
to have a different meaning. Some years back, marriage was a sacrament. The man and
woman were bound togeher for life. They pledged to remain together through
thick and thin - forever and ever. Marriage gave the couple a home. It was
their "harbour" during the storms in the ocean of life. And then motherhood
was the fulfilment of a sacred mission. You know, when 'Adam was imbued with the holy spirit', he called
'woman - Eva - the mother of all.'”
"Thanks to man's progress, a sacred sacrament has been reduced to a mere contract. Matrimony has
become a 'matter of money'. A man and a woman even now take the oath before the
Holy Father or the holy
fire. But marriage is no longer a union for
life. It is now like a sentence of imprisonment. It can be
suspended at any time. It is no longer the union of two persons in love. It has been reduced to a 'three
act play'. The man and the woman became husband and wife. The marriage is 'announced'.
There is more 'clamour' than 'glamour'. There is more sound than sincerity.
There is more loneliness
than love. Instead of leading
to connubial bliss, marriage
begins to mean misery.
Consequently, it is 'denounced'. Finally, by a decree of the court, it
is 'renounced'.” “What God had joined, man puts asunder.”
“That is not all my son. Materialism has over
taken even the maternal instincts. Motherhood signified a 'system in one word'.
The dignity the grandeur, the tenderness of a mother were divine. A
woman's soul lived in the love of her
child. It was her whole existence. Today, the club, the cards and the kitty
parties are more important than the kid at home. The child faces the cold and cruel world by
himself. He does not get the gentle hand or the love from a mother's heart. He
never hears any stories on his mother's knee. She sings no lullabies to him. She does not fashion
his future. The ayah proxies for her.”
man is what his mother makes him. When you
do not have a good mother you
cannot have a good human being. A child who has spent his days and
nights in the arms of an ayah, missed the caresses and kindness of the
mother, whose years of childhood have passed in spite of the maternal
indifference, does not grow up
to be a confident young man. A continuous sense of insecurity haunts him. At a
young age, he is a decrepit. No wonder,
having missed the mother's love, he looks for peace in marijuana."