Friday, 30 January 2015



Jan.22, 2015 was my 74th birthday. I wrote a short piece 'GOOD DAYS ARE BACK'. Published it after 12 noon. But on account of some reason not known to me, it appeared to have been published on Jan. 21, 2015. How? I do not know. There were Calls and comments. One, even from a ‘nephew’ whom I cannot reach. Despite desire. Hope, we shall meet soon. Daylong celebrations followed. Gifts. Good wishes. An elaborate Dinner. With the whole family present, it was a feast. So many cakes! Baked by my sister Usha and granddaughter Nandisha. But most of all Mini made my day by reading out her following speech-

“First of all, I would like to say that I feel very proud to be a part of a family which is led by such a wonderful human being. So positive, so vibrant, so strong, so loving and OUR ROCK . He is my father but frankly I see a friend in him with whom I can share my heart and feel completely protected.

Right from day one I have felt very comfortable in his presence and have felt the ease to go to him for finding a solution to any problem. In the last 20 years, ever since I have known him so closely I have only seen him as a very large hearted person, who is ever ready to go out of his way to help everyone.

His positivity towards situations makes me wonder sometimes that probably he has a direct connection with God. I have learnt a lot from him. His love and concern for each and every  member of his immediate or extended family is worth appreciating.

May it be my stomach ache or Vikas’s piles’ problem or mom’s sugar or Mama Ji’s heart trouble or Aadya’s leg problem, he will want  to know about and solve everyone's issues and problems.

• His inexhaustible spirit and zest for good things needs a special mention. His mere presence infuses freshness and positive energy in the surroundings. You can go to him at any hour of the day and night. You will always find him fresh, full of lovely ideas and a childlike purity. He has a heart of gold. Through his living he has set very high goals for us.

We all know that children imitate their parents and I know for sure that if you have parents who are such ideals themselves, children have a lot to learn. I have and am trying to learn a lot from him.

I am sure everyone present here agrees with me 100%.

In these 73 years, Papa, you don’t know you have become the role model for how many!

May God bless you! We all love you a lot!”

Nothing touched the heart more than this ‘short and significant’ Speech. Words of love spoken from the heart by a near and dear one! Priceless. Was truly touched! What I felt is beyond words. Thank you Mini! May God bless you!

Wednesday, 21 January 2015



Yesterday, on Jan.21, 2015, I reached the 73rd milestone on the road of life. Today I have started the journey towards the 74th. During the year, on my way to the 73rd, I stopped what I had started 51 years back in Feb., 1963 – the practice of law.  I retired, not because I felt tired. Nor for lack of work to keep me adequately occupied. Nor for lack of ability or inclination to cope up with the legal conundrums. It was only on strict medical advice that I decided to hang my gown. Repeated Cycles of Chemo therapy and other medicines administered  to take care of the remnants, if any, after surgery for the removal of  ‘glioblastoma’ that was detected in July, 2012, have had the inevitable effect of reducing the level of my physical immunity. As a result, I was vulnerable to the slightest exposure to any kind of infection.  And even a minor infection showed the potential to flare up into a serious problem. Actually, two visits to the Court had led to my hospitalisation on both the occasions. Thus, the doctors had firmly advised against my going to any crowded place and the  family, understandably, refused to grant me any further chance. Still, I am not sitting still or idle. There is always enough to keep me occupied. Even when I am not going to the Court, I get a chance to be an Arbitrator and decide disputes. It is really a satisfying job.

Law is undoubtedly, a jealous mistress. Despite that, I had long back cultivated a close liaison with the good old Lady Golf. It is a grand game played in the open and totally green surroundings. One of the few games, where one hits a stationary ball. Yet, it provides a complete diversion from the day’s drudgery. You can hit a good shot only when you are totally relaxed. The Slightest stress tightens the muscle and changes the direction and the distance of the ball’s travel. Thus, a round of golf with friends ensures total diversion and real relaxation to the body and mind. God is kind. I do get a chance to have a round of golf. And Mr. Amandeep Johl @ GONY, my golf Guru still gives me hope that the best has yet to come. He kindles and fans the fire to sustain my desire to some day, by sheer chance and luck, score a ‘hole in one.’

I have also savoured other good things of life. Scotch has been one. Ironically, I developed an aversion to Alcohol while in Scotland in 2012. After the surgery, the surgeon has been kind and generous, but not the Oncologist. However, the aversion is gone. And the appetite is coming back. This reinforces my belief that the tumor is gone. And hopefully, the good days are back!!

Thursday, 1 January 2015


J.L. Gupta

A FEW hours back, the clock ticked 12 midnight. The solemn sound bid goodbye to the year 2014. It also rang in the year 2015.  Day one, in the New Year, has dawned. I say a silent prayer. May it be the  dawn of a new era! The harbinger of health happiness, peace and prosperity for all! End of corruption, drought, disease, illiter­acy and uncontrolled increase in numbers. May it be the  beginning of a new resolve to attain higher standards of  education and efficiency; higher ideals and values. May we all be able to hold our head high in the comity of nations. Our ancestors were tall. May we grow taller. It is an ardent desire.

True that a desire alone may end in despair. Yet, to have some desire is really desirable. It is essential for existence. It is a pre-requisite for progress. One cannot chop off the feet to overcome the desire for shoes. No desire and no motto would only lead to no action. It would bring about stagnation. It is human to wish for more. Every wish is like a prayer before the Lord. Wish and hope are the primary, if not the only means of sustenance for the poor. The desire to get something is the first step towards doing. Only he, who wants, wishes and works, wins.

We are more than a billion people. What is it that a billion pair of hands cannot accomplish or achieve? We are the second largest nation in the world.  We are heirs to a rich heritage. We are even rich in natural resources. Still, we are one of the poorest nations of the world. The majority of our people cannot read and write. A large number do not get even potable water. The facilities for health care are not adequate. Despite that, we are under debt.

In our lifetime, we have witnessed the rise of Japan. The nation faced the great earthquake in the year 1923. It is the only nation in the world that has really faced an atomic holo­caust. After the war, it presented a picture of charred rubble and starving masses. Infested with lice. Most recent is THE FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR DISASTER that occurred when the Plant was hit by a TSUNAMI triggered by the 9.0 MAGNITUDE TOHOKU EARTHQUAKE. Yet, it has made a spectacular come back. Less than 3 per cent of the world's population living on 0.1 per cent of its inhabitable area is producing more than 10 per cent of its eco­nomic value. A report published some time back indicated that with the only natural resource of approximately 124 million people, Japan has achieved a gross national product of more than $ 28,200 per capita per annum. How? The people of Japan are the nation's best asset. They are the most valuable natural resource. They have progressed.
Let us look at ourselves. We have more than ten times the population of Japan. Ten times its inhabitable area. Yet, our annual, per capi­ta GNP is embarrassingly lower. While Japan is one of-the largest creditors in the world, we are one of the biggest borrowers. In 1950, we were 15th among the exporting countries. Today, we have probably gone below the 40th. What a fall, my countrymen!

It would be futile to pretend that we are not aware of the reason. We know that we do not work. We have not developed a work culture. We have forgotten our old values. We have virtually no sense of national pride. No patri­otism. As individuals, we can compete with the best in the world. Man to man, we can hold our own against anyone. From any coun­ty in the world. But as a people, we are seldom united. No wonder, we are hardly respected and not at all trusted.

Is it not time to adopt some corrective mea­sures? Should we not resolve to get out of this degrading ditch? Can we continue to live with our present image of a poor, corrupt and non­performing people? Does it not hurt our sense of self-esteem?
Day one is the day. Today is the time. To resolve to work to restore the lost glory. There is nothing that a determined people, more than a bil­lion of them, cannot achieve and accomplish!